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Which Top Law Schools Interview for JD Programs?

As an applicant to JD programs, it is important to keep in mind which law schools interview! Many of the top law schools do interview, but not all of them require one to be admitted. Here is a helpful guide ...

Presentations to High Schools,
Colleges, and Organizations

I am very excited to present to Dartmouth College's Minority Pre-Law Association about how to stand out in the JD admissions process! Back in the day, I was accepted to Dartmouth College as an undergraduate ...

How Early to Submit Law School Applications

Law school applicants occasionally tell me that they wish to submit by early September. Is this necessary for JD applications? How about for LLM applications? Here are my recommendations for optimal practice...

JD Admissions: Should You Take the LSAT, GRE, or JD-Next?

In recent years, more law schools are allowing the GRE as an alternative to the LSAT for admissions. JD-Next is also a new exam that is gaining ground. How are these tests different, and which one should you...

Supreme Court Decision on Affirmative Action: How Admissions Processes Might Change Going Forward

In June 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that race-based affirmative action, defined in this case as the policy of favoring individuals of under-represented ...

Affirmative Action in Admissions: Historical Trends and How Application Processes Might Change Going Forward

In June 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that race-based affirmative action, defined in this case as the policy of favoring individuals of under-represented backgrounds who have been subjec...

The US News Law School Rankings:
Summary & Insights

There has recently been a lot of attention in the media regarding US News & World Report’s law school rankings. This list has existed since 1987 and is now updated annually. Applicants and the m...

Transferring Law Schools

Are you thinking about transferring law schools? When I worked at NYU School of Law in JD admissions, I helped manage the transfer process and read every transfer application. There are some nuances rega...

Dental School: What to Know for the 2023-2024 Admissions Cycle

It’s almost that time of year again! The dental school admissions cycle for Fall 2024 starts soon! The application portal will become available on May 9, 2023 with applications able to be submitted starting ...
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